Caelan's Doing Great!!!
Here's Caelan, buckled up in his car seat, heading to Birmingham today for his third dose of chemotherapy (3 down, 45 more to go!). He's doing great! He is eating well, has not thrown up even once, is happy all the time, and has been adequately increasing the weight of his diaper with solid substances of varying degrees of stink! So, in other words, all systems are working well. Also, from his chemo trip today, Erika called and told me that his white blood cell counts were high, so he is in good shape to fight off any potential infections! We know that this is an answer to prayer and God is so faithful. One of my greatest prayers in all of this is, "If we have to go through this, Lord, please don't let him suffer too much." I am more convinced than ever that God is delivering a healing to my son through His providential care and through medicine. I thank God for every person who has prayed for us and has helped us in tangible ways. You are all incredible. I have no idea how we would be handling this if not for the power of the Holy Spirit and the body of Christ. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.
I am not naive of the tough times that await us. He could get sick tomorrow. We've already had two unscheduled hospital/emergency room trips the past two weeks. I hear that radiation is a real bear and it is every day in August and September for 4-6 weeks. But, I DO want to be faithful to praise God for answered prayers and for getting us this far. I KNOW in my heart that He will carry us through, and we continue to look to Him. Our God is faithful! We'll continue to take this one day at a time, choosing to rejoice in the Lord each day.